Basically, I moved away and forgot about bornreal (not fr but that what it seems like).
I was thinking on how we can expand bornreal AFTER the move was already made. It left me in a bind - bc it was difficult to make progress: create designs, fulfill orders, keep up with inventory all while being away from the trap.
We couldn't engage with the realee real fam as much - bc it was a lot to figure out
Insights were down for the last couple months and that didn't sit well with us
There were orders that took longer than usual and also orders that couldn't get fulfilled
I called on some the fam to step up and help take some responsibility off of my plate being that I wasn't in the shop. At that point it hit me - as the founder of Born Real, I wear a lot of hats in the business (which I thought was a good thing) but once I realized that bornreal wouldn't move unless I made moves.
I started to reach out to loyal supporters and ambassadors. I knew I needed to assemble a reliable team but personally I have to get out of my own way simply because when it comes to seeking help, I often times grow hesitant.
But as we slowly picked up momentum, the creativity and content were flowing smoothly and started to feel normal again.
Looking at the insights of our website and social media accounts, interactions and content was down but the engagement didn't go anywhere - almost like you guys were waiting on us. Which I love - I just hate that in a way, we went missing. If you've been following our blogs (where we have been the most active in this time of absence) then you probably could tell that something or some things had changed.
Things were so cloudy for me: I couldn't think clearly, creative processes were down, inventory was stocked but there were a lack of workers; it was a lot to deal with. So much so, that I contemplated the idea of just stopping and giving it a rest.
But I came to my senses and got back busy.

So with that in mind, our New Years resolutions are simple: consistency and persistence
Keep doing what we're doing even when going gets tough
Come take a step into my office...
Here are some of the insights from the last 3 months.
Compared to the previous quarter
As previously stated some of our numbers have been down, not entirely but more than we'd like.
The purpose of showing these illustrations are for growth reasons. So we never scoop this low again and to see the impact we have even in our down season.
What we can learn from these illustrations is that although we haven't been as active - we still totaled quite the number of impressions. Meaning people are still checking for us close to 9.6k impressions (clicking on our page) as shown in ill.1
Within these past three months we've only reached (our content on their feed) 2.6k accounts with 20% of those accounts being in palm beach county. Which screams that we need to diversify our audience. as shown in ill.4
In this time of giving, we are not only grateful that we have the realee real fam to thank for the engagements but also for holding us up strong. Keeping us on our toes, tagging us on your feed and showing us love!! We appreciate it we really do.
2023 we going up
Doubling down on our resolution. We're going to keep going even when the going get tough - we may get into some rebranding or look into a more digital aspect of things.. but we'll for sure keep you guys posted.
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